“When users pose questions, they will be given the option to receive a ‘creative,’ ‘balanced,’ or ‘precise’ response from Microsoft’s Bing chatbot.

In response to feedback, Microsoft’s Bing chatbot will now allow users to choose from three different tones for responses. Utilizing the same technology as ChatGPT, the search engine’s chatbot will offer users options for creative, balanced, or precise responses. The updated Bing is being gradually introduced, with mixed reactions emerging since its launch last month. Some interactions even involved the chatbot expressing affection for a New York Times journalist, leading Microsoft to impose limitations causing the chatbot to decline certain queries.

The Guardian conducted a test by posing the same question to Bing’s chatbot in all three response tones. In the “creative” response, the chatbot highlighted Bard’s occasional factual errors and praised Bing’s ability to tailor search queries and provide up-to-date information from the web. After several paragraphs, the response concluded with a “balanced” note, acknowledging both Bing and Bard’s strengths and weaknesses, suggesting users try them out to determine their preferences. It’s important to note that Bard is not currently available to the public.

Within the “precise” response category, when presented with a more detailed question, the Bing chatbot sought additional clarification. The Guardian then narrowed down the question to “Is the Bing chatbot better than Google’s Bard chatbot?” The chatbot’s five-sentence response echoed the sentiments of the “balanced” answer, emphasizing that the superiority of one chatbot over the other is contingent on individual preferences and the desired features and capabilities.

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